Current Exhibitions
Bloodroot | Lá Fhéile Bríde 2025 | The Hague & Sligo
Absinthe & Absence | Jackie Hudson Lalor
Exhibitions 2025
Exhibitions 2024
Exhibitions 2023
Exhibitions 2022
Exhibitions 2021
Exhibitions 2020
Exhibitions 2019
Exhibitions 2018
Exhibitions 2017
Exhibitions 2016
Exhibitions 2015
Exhibitions 2014
Exhibitions 2013
Exhibitions 2012
Exhibitions 2011
Exhibitions 2010
Mailing List
Current Exhibitions
Bloodroot | Lá Fhéile Bríde 2025 | The Hague & Sligo
Absinthe & Absence | Jackie Hudson Lalor
Exhibitions 2025
Exhibitions 2024
Exhibitions 2023
Exhibitions 2022
Exhibitions 2021
Exhibitions 2020
Exhibitions 2019
Exhibitions 2018
Exhibitions 2017
Exhibitions 2016
Exhibitions 2015
Exhibitions 2014
Exhibitions 2013
Exhibitions 2012
Exhibitions 2011
Exhibitions 2010
Mailing List
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
Acrylic on Board
Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Paper
carborundum print
ceramic sculpture
mixed media
Mixed Media
mixed media on birch panel
mixed media on board
mixed media on canvas
Multi Media
oil and mixed media
oil collage
Oil on Board
Oil on Canvas
Oil on canvas
oil on linen
Oil on Linen
patinated repousse copper
photographic image
Sandcast Aluminium Board
Antosik-Parsons Kate, Cure of the Burn
Bremner Lynda - Castlepollard Daisy Chains
Brown Betty - Mother and Baby Dolls
Buchanan Veronica - Only a rusted nail
Burke Maureen - I saw a realm of thumbed pages fluttering
Burns Breda - UnRooted
Byrne Catherine - Dara (inspired by Sisters)
Byrne Fiona - Immutable Seeds
Cairns Rebecca -Stream
Callanan Catherine - Every Fibre of my Being
Carman Cathy - these were my sisters
Carswell Fiona - Rooted
Sold / No Longer Available
Colomer Ana - Wash in this way
Connon Dearbhail - Market Prayer
Conroy Pauline - Bog Baby
Crehan Lisa - Bloodroot
Cunningham-Bell Sara - Pomona - Seeing for the first time an otherness
Davidikova Lenka - My dear child
de Brí Orla - Frightened Fingers
Deignan Margaret - Wee girls
Doherty Justyna - Window
Doran Miriam - String of Roses on Her Ribs
Dowling Grainne - Along The Heather Stream
Sold / No Longer Available
Fahy Mary - Lean
Fanning Catherine - This hill is pagan
Fanning Mary - Commemoration
Ferguson - Eileen Infant not Home
Ferran Denise - Pressed linen
FitzGibbon Ann -Always in my Heart
Franey Ann - Faoi Cheilt [hidden]
Gannon Betty - Rub out the halls, statues, sills
Garavan Pauline - Borne away to heal that which blackens out of you
Gasol Maria - 'Bond' (after sisters)
Gillard Medbh - Shot fox on the road to Arjeplog
Graham Janet - Swollen Girls
Guinee Julianne - Cradle of Shame
Halford Greene Katherine Wild water Lillies Survival
Halpin Claire - Disimprint the Memory
Henry Yvonne - Until the stream runs dark with what needs to blacken out of you
Hogg Annie - Bog Spell in response to Bog Medicine
Hyland Oona - Wit(h)nessing,
Jago Myra - Anaga (Us)
Jobson Rebecca - Mother, Father, No Trace, No Name
Kavanagh Andrea -Tangled Earth
Kearney Paula - Say Your Harm To The Hill
Kelly Josephine - Sheltering Hill
Kelly Sharon - Imprint II
Killalea Jo - This hill is pagan (Bog Medicine)
Kinahan Hilary - Burnt Bog
Kinsella Lizzie - Stripped Of Their Names As They Made The Lace
Ledwith Dorothy - Raise Your Head to the Sky
Lee Barbara - Line of Teardrops
Maahs Kaye - Neamhchiontach
Mac Conville Brid - Six Ways to Wash Your Hands (Ayliffe,1978)
Madert Susan - Yes or No?
Madigan Eadain - Unwashable Sin
Mannion Josephine - Sisters. A String of Roses on Her Ribs, the Gifts of Her Father
Marren Jackie - Breege and Marie found in a trailer by the river speaking in a twisted song
Sold / No Longer Available
Marsden Tessa - Burning back
Massey Rebecca - Will I be loved? Yes or No?
Masterson Bernie - From lines of parallel dirt, Market Prayer
Mc Laughlin Leanne - Brideòg’s and Crib
McCann Eilish - Wild Gods
McConnon Miriam - Never Mention Cuffs
McGurran Rosie - I am afraid the life I dream exists
Nicole McKenna and Caroline Coyle (phenomenal women collective) - Bog Queen
McLoughlin Margaret -Mountain blogland
McNulty Margo - Darkness
Mockler Anne-Marie - Six ways to wash your hands
Monds Aisling -0 Lather, Spit and Rage. Dragged, Stripped, Stitched and Bowed...Still Holding
Mulholland Fiona - Drained heart[h], Rann Ringfort. Co Donegal
Murphy Ann - until the stream runs dark
Murtagh Jane, will I be loved yes or no,
Neill Hazel - Restore,
Sold / No Longer Available
Noonan-McDermott Maria - The Healing Land
Sold / No Longer Available
O Connor Carol - Along the heather stream
O Malley Patricia - Rosary Beads Made of Carbolic Soap
O'Brien Cora - They pressed linen sheets
O'Brien Gerri - Mine... not Thine,
O'Byrne Anne - Four in a bed
O'Dea Nuala - Scent of Sin
O’Gara Aine -Bloodroot, The Scent of a Sin can Cling for Years
Oram Kate - Folded Fern (Kept in my purse)
O'Reilly Geraldine - Stripped of their names....they stitched lace, pressed linen sheets
O'Toole Oonagh - Overfill your eyes
Parnell Eve - The kissy Mink
Peppard Imelda - Wish
Perry Rae - Say your harm to the hill,
Pierce Janet - If you want to become invisible...
Pigot Rachel - Becoming Invisible
Power Fiona - Pomona's Orchard
Quick Sarah - Burning Back the Earth
Rice Linda - Red sky in mourning, Shepard's warning,
Roche Eleanor - Silence
Rohan Mary, The Stream
Ryan Karena - Redemption in Red
Shanahan Angie - A Pyramid of Lemons- immutable seed
Shipsey Lane - Breaking Through (Lá le Bríde)
St Leger Mary - Washed out
Stanley Annemarie - Like a row of roots half- pulled
Sold / No Longer Available
Stoney Benita - The scent of a child
Symes Derval - Womb
Tubridy Derval - Hold (after Market Prayer)
van Kempen Marja - Bloodroot Sisters
Walshjolley Valerie - Fragile
Webster Karen -This hill is Hill 2
West Manon - Loosened lace
Whyte Dianne - The Laundry
Wickham Heidi - Bog Fire
Wynne-Holland Suella - Unheimlich